With a Deep Bow, The Late Magician Welcomes You

[wafts dingy cape]

I, Cabot O’Callaghan, have created this personal correspondence to explore — personally and collectively — the nature and diversity of creativity, consciousness, and possibility in the form of essays, fiction, poetry, and memoir. Sometimes all at the same time.

My magic is a messy process where only perseverance grants the chance to create. I’m stubborn and fickle and reluctant and scared most of the time, and yet I have other facets that have long desired to share the stage. Here is their altar. Here is their laboratory. Here is their strings and wood and brass.

Over the past decade I’ve waywardly embraced the part of me that has long called to write. Had I heeded the call in my youth, I probably would have pursued traditional routes. For better and worse, I’ve always had a deep instinct to experience the world on my own terms, and that’s gone exactly how you think it would in a world defined by rules, hierarchy, and authority.

Autodidacticly speaking, it’s been a mess. I’ll likely never feel like I have my shit together. Nevertheless, the Universe decided I was worth publishing:

I terminated the book contract, but I have a few remaining copies that I can sign and ship.

Does this mean I’m a professional? *shrugs*

Options for monetary support may appear if my writing sprouts tentacles and wings, but all content here will remain free for anyone to read because I believe in the future where transactional coercion and the fetishization of scarcity has died.

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Divining reality through our fog of madness via essays, fiction, poetry, and memoir. Sometimes all at once.


Wayward late bloomer emerging in WTF times. Sometimes I rhyme.